Deakin-UGM Second Joint Workshop on COVID-19 Fake News Detection and Intervention

Joint Research Workshop
28 Oct 2022
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You are cordially invited to attend the “Second Deakin-UGM Joint Research Workshop on COVID-19 Fake News Detection and Intervention” which will be held on 19 October, 2022. During the COVID-19 pandemic, fake news is spreading rapidly on social medias. Fake news on topics such as the origin of the virus, preventive measures or treatments, and the actions of public authorities, have resulted in serious safety threats to communities, misled people into risky behaviours that could harm health, led to mistrust in health authorities, and undermined the public health responses. The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss and share the ideas and solutions on the detection and intervention of COVID-19 fake news. This workshop is sponsored by the Study Melbourne Research Partnership program which has been made possible by funding from the Victorian Government through Study Melbourne. The project “Multilingual COVID-19 Fake News Detection and Intervention” is led by Deakin University and in partnership with UGM (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia).
The project team will present an update on the research progress of the project. The workshop is featured with several keynote speeches and a panel. Invited speakers include University leaders, world leading researchers, and government officials.
10:30am to 11:00am: Guests Arrival (with coffee/tea )
11:00am to 12:30pm: Welcome Speech and Report for the SMRP Project
12:30pm to 13:30pm: Lunch Break (with light lunch )
13:30pm to 16:00pm: Keynotes and Open Discussion
16:00pm to 16:30pm: Networking (with coffee/tea)
Confirm Speakers
Confirmed Speakers:
Welcome Speeches:
- Professor Julie Owens, Deputy Vice Chancellor Research at Deakin University, Australia
- Ignatius Susatyo Wijoyo, Vice Rector for Research, Business Development, and Partnerships, UGM, Indonesia
Invited Talks (Topics to be updated):
- Professor Catherine Bennett, Alfred Deakin Professor and Chair in Epidemiology, School of Health and Social Development, Deakin University, Australia
- Topic: D/Misinformation during the pandemic: how good and bad intent contributed to the problem, and the impact
- Prof. Widodo Muktiyo, Expert Staff of Minister Communications and Informatics, Ministry of communications and informatics, Indonesia
- Ms. Mutiara Anissa, Science Communicator, Founder of Pandemic Talks, Indonesia
- Topic: Coronavirus Fake News: How @pandemictalk Instagram Platform is Tackling Hoax and Misinformation
- Dr. Siqin Wang, JSPS Research Fellow, University of Tokyo, Japan; Associate Chair, Spatial Data Lab, Center of Geographic Analysis, Harvard University, USA
- Topic: People as sensors: the premise of using social media data in computational social science study
- Dr. Xiao Huang, Assistant Professor at the University of Arkansas, USA
- Topic: Social media mining under the COVID-19 context: Progress, challenges, and opportunities
- Dr. Chunyang Chen, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia
Workshop Chairs

A/Prof Xiao Liu
Deakin univerisity
A/Prof Jianxin Li
Deakin university
Dr Hilya Arini
UGM, Indonesia
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