Fighting The Infodemic: Advanced Techniques For Misinformation Management

SURVEY - COVID-19 Fake News Detection and Intervention

Deakin University in partnership with Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia), is conducting a research project on multilingual COVID-19 fake news detection and intervention. The objective of this survey is to 
  1. produce the datasets for multilingual COVID-19 fake news, 
  2. design and implement multilingual COVID-19 fake news detection model,  and
  3. generate policy and guidance to intervene the spread of COVID-19 fake news. 

If you agree to participate in this study, you will be asked to sign a consent form (check all checkbox in the next section) and fill in the questionnaire about your general profile, knowledge about COVID-19, your opinion for some scenario given, and your fake news detection ability. Completion of these questionnaires should take approximately 25 minutes.

Survey Result Visualization